10 Tips to Overcome Depression

September 15, 2016

Depression is a struggle for most people at one or more stages throughout their lifetime.

Depression is extremely common, in fact, there are approximately 18.8 million American adults diagnosed with depression each year. Depression is most caused by trauma, grief, stressful events, health conditions, and substances.

Take action today with these 10 Tips to Overcome Depression:


1. Reduce Isolation:
… enrich existing and new relationships, and engage with those who love you. If you belong to a church or religious group, or have friends have feel like family, or join meet-up groups (i.e. introduce yourself to other people who have the same interests as you).

2. Our thoughts shape our behaviors:
… track your thoughts, evaluate how irrational and unhealthy your thought have become.
You can recognize and overcome your critical inner voices. Imagine what you would tell your best friend if he/she were listening to their critical inner voice that lead them to be depressed, most likely you would have compassion for that person, so you need to have that same compassion toward yourself.

3. Pay attention to exercise and diet:
… when you exercise, it releases endorphins (happy cells) that elevates your positive mood. Get at least 20 minutes per day of cardiovascular exercise. Additionally, intake Omega 3’s since they are natural antidepressants (i.e. fish oil).

4. Make sure to get enough sleep and sunlight:
… regardless of your usually routine to only sleep 6 hours, research has proven that people who get at least 7-9 hours of sleep every night have minimal or no symptoms of anxiety or depression.

5. Be mindful and aware:
…  stay in present moment, by engaging your mind –it prevents time that might lead you down the “worry” or “depression” thought path. Recognize what surrounds you in the moment. Practice some mindfulness skills if possible (research on Google or go to local bookstore).

6. Distract Yourself:
… play with your pet or take a walk around the neighborhood or listen to music= this will help you keep your mind off negative thoughts. Start counting slowly and pay attention to your breathing as you inhale and exhale.

7. Express your thoughts in artistic ways:
… start journaling, painting, utilize any written expression.
If you’re masking your feelings with anger, then find the best way for you to project the emotions underneath the anger (i.e. hurt, sadness, disappointment, shame, guilt).

8. Volunteer Your Time:
…when giving as a selfless act, it increases your feelings of purpose.

9. Physical Touch:
…the feel-good hormone oxytocin is released when this happens. Various therapies to consider include acupuncture, acupressure, massage, reiki and reflexology.

10. do activities you once enjoyed:
…even if you do feel like doing it, most likely you will feel better about yourself after accomplishing a task. Having a purpose will help you feel better as well.

Recovering from depression requires you to take action, however when depressed you are lacking energy, hope, and motivation. Therefore, it may seem overwhelming or even impossible to take the steps necessary for you to overcome. The good news is that once you initiate small steps toward your goal, then your efforts will become less daunting and more enjoyable. Your former sense of helplessness, hopelessness, and worthlessness will diminish as your self-confidence begins to increase. Coping skills and strategies will prepare you for depressive episodes in order to fight against those negative thoughts and feelings. Some coping tips will work for you and different tips will work better for someone else. Every person must select his or her own preferred methods of coping when fighting against depression.

For more information on receiving help with depression check out the following articles:

Getting Help for Depression Without Medication

Depression Help from Jennifer Hill Counseling

Depression Screening Test

For Immediate Help with Depression call (760) 458-1600 or Book an Appointment TODAY for a Complimentary Session.