Monthly Archives: November 2016

Binge Eating & The Holidays ~ Healthy Tips

November 23, 2016

Controlling Binge Eating During the Holidays can be Challenging. The holidays have become known as the season where everyone gets a free pass to eat as much as they want. However, for those of you who struggle with an eating disorder, like binge eating, it’s not that easy. This season for you becomes challenging as you are faced with guilt,…

ANOREXIA: Understanding the Facts & Signs in Adolescents

November 17, 2016

It is extremely difficult to identify behaviors of Anorexia Nervosa in our youth when adults are preoccupied with uncontrollable life stressors. Therefore, I am going to share with you the causes, symptoms, and the treatments for adolescent Anorexia. As a parent, you are most likely watching the behaviors of your child on a daily basis regardless of their age.  You…

10 Tips for Parents: How to Help Grieving Children or Teens?

November 10, 2016

Parenting is difficult, especially when your child is hurting from a tragic loss. How to help grieving children and teens can be challenging. Children grieve differently than adults. They tend to exhibit abnormal behaviors, such as violent play, verbally shut down, and often become easily irritated when attempting to interact. If your child begins to act out in self-destructive behaviors…

How will Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Me?

November 03, 2016

What is the most common, and most effective, modern form of psychotherapy utilized in counseling services today? The answer is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also know as CBT is a brief, solution-focused behavioral treatment that helps people process the correlations between automatic thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and consequences. In fact, an individual’s perceptions hugely will impact their responses to…