Family Counseling and Child Development from Jennifer Hill Counseling

June 17, 2016

Adolescence is a tough time and proper development requires an effort from both parents and their children. At Jennifer Hill Counseling, we offer numerous family counseling and child development services to help promote behavioral health and wellness and make sure that you and your children realize that you’re not alone through your struggles.

How We Can Help

Our services have helped hundreds of youth and parents deal with the overwhelming anxiety and rebelliousness that can come with adolescence. Some common issues faced by troubled youth include:

  • Depression
  • Attachment problems
  • Shyness
  • Impulsiveness

There are just some of the issues that we have helped our clients deal with. When ignored, they can evolve into bigger problems that impact your family’s wellbeing.

Family Counts

The biggest factor that influences child development is the environment that they grow up in. This means that the nature of your family and your relationship with your spouse can impact their emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing and vice-versa. Understanding the complexity of these relationships is essential to maintain a healthy family and ensure the optimal development of your child.

Broken Relationships

Maintaining strong family bonds throughout your child’s adolescence can be tough and emotions will likely be running high. Hurt, anger and distress are natural during this period, but without the proper coping mechanisms some families dissolve. Our therapy and counseling services can help you heal broken relationships and maintain their bonds into the future.

Common Problems

Adolescent self-image is connected to peers, media and the society that they live in. Problems with self-image can led to eating disorders and depression, which can continue to develop into numerous additional problems such as feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem.

Join Us

By joining our community, you will gain access to numerous tips and advice that will help you and your family deal with and cope with all of the problems discussed above. In addition, we will ensure that you can continue to benefit from these tools for years to come, allowing both you and your children to gain a better understanding of how to deal with the daily challenges of growing up as a family in today’s world.

Free Tools

If you want to get a feel for what we have to offer, sign-up for our free newsletter for some tips and strategies beneficial for family and child development. In addition, we also offer a free help session to allow you to experience the benefits of talking about your problems firsthand.

No matter how difficult your situation or how broken your bonds feel, our family counseling and child development services can help you right now. For more information or to book a free help session, give us a call at 760-458-1600.
